My title tells it all for me at this moment. I love to write and I know I have interesting and funny, sometimes sad things that I would love to share with others. However, the title simply is saying do I do this, blog! Or, do I simply be content with being a reader of all those other blogs that are out there? I believe I genuinely have something to contribute that would be worth reading on a regular basis on the subjects that are relevant to a large body of people.
Since I'm a senior, I think that I bring years and years of experience in many fields of life and hope that I shall master this art of blogging and find a subject that I can comment on that would bring a smile to someone's face or a laugh. No frowns please. (smile). But seriously on this side of heaven, I'm sure there are going to be a lot of both.
Perhaps I should tell you or whomever edits, reads, critiques, trashes, etc., the blogs, something about me. I'm a 66 year old African American woman that is loving her retirement more than I would have imagined. Oh except for never ever having enough money. But I get by very well most of the time and am ashamed for even bringing money into the picture. There are just too many people who are really going through the worse of times and being hit left and right and all across this country. So I won't complain. Simply forget I said that. I can keep that to myself and instead offer all my prayers to others that are really finding it hard to cope or exist with their present situations--whether they are financial or emotional.
Back to a few things about me. I have had some college, love to read, love writing even more, and traveling to different islands when I can afford to is my favorite thing of all times. Oh I keep forgetting, is that what anyone wants to know or what. Maybe no one cares what I'm like or what I have experienced, but I sure love it that there are so many avenues in which one can become involved to express themselves. Isn't freedom of speech just the best!!!
In conclusion, I'm beginning to get the hang of this blogging and am ready to dive in head first and do my best to bring a perspective from a senior who is stuck in a 66 year old body with a 35 year old spirit. Thanks for allowing me this opportunity to audition for a blogging spot on this site.